The Noura animation series, produced by the United Media Services Company, discussed the problem of bullying in a wonderful way to teach the child in a simple and attractive way, and how bullying others with a word affects their psychological health, after Noura’s colleague who suffers from vitiligo narrated his suffering at school with his colleagues who mock his illness and bully him. But Noura promises him that she will solve his problem and support him psychologically. In this report, we learn about the effects of bullying on the mental health of children and adolescents, inspired by the Noura series.
Noura series: How exposure to bullying affects the mental health of children and adolescents
The Noura series talked about the problem of bullying, and according to the McLean Hospital website, bullying occurs between a person who has greater power and is more aggressive than the targeted person.
The bully uses that power — whether it’s physical strength, being more popular, or knowing embarrassing information — to hurt or control the person he’s bullying.
A person who is being bullied may find it difficult to stand up for themselves and may feel increasingly powerless in front of the person who is bullying them.
How can bullying affect mental health?
The effects of bullying vary depending on the person affected and whether they are the victim.
While the physical effects of bullying on children are traumatic, any injuries they sustain usually heal faster than the mental health impact of all types of bullying. It can cause long and short-term problems that hinder the lives of the victim and the bully. Both parties can suffer the psychological consequences of bullying.
Effects of bullying on mental health
The immediate or short-term effects of bullying are usually clear and noticeable. These can be mental, emotional or physical.
Here are some examples of the short-term effects of bullying.
Most children exposed to bullying suffer from symptoms of anxiety or depression after one or more incidents of bullying.
Psychosomatic problems: This effect describes health problems that have no medical cause, such as upset stomach, headaches, and muscle pain. A child may experience these symptoms at any time, but usually before the school day.
Sleep problems: Victims can suffer from a range of sleep problems, such as difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. These children are also more susceptible to nightmares compared to their peers.
Poor academic performance: A student’s grades may begin to decline due to bullying, which can be caused by difficulty concentrating or skipping school to avoid bullying.
Social communication problems: One important issue resulting from bullying is social isolation or exclusion from peers.
Victims of bullying may be lower in the social structure of the school and struggle to make or keep friends.
Other short-term effects of bullying on the victim include:
Changes in eating habits
Not wanting to go can lead to long-term effects and serious problems that are difficult to deal with.
Below are some of the long-term mental health issues and consequences of bullying for the victim.
Stress-induced illness: The physical impact of bullying can last throughout a person’s life. A person who suffers from anxiety after bullying can suffer from various physical ailments that affect their daily life.
Impact on the family: The entire family can suffer the long-term effects of bullying. Parents may feel guilty or helpless in dealing with this process, and siblings may feel sad if their brother or sister acts differently or doesn’t spend time with them.
Depression and anxiety: Mental health symptoms can develop into a more chronic problem.
Risk of Suicidal Thoughts: The victim and the bully are at risk for suicidal thoughts or suicide-related behaviors.
Maintaining friendships: Victims of bullying may have difficulty maintaining and forming friendships. Building trust with people can also be a challenge.