The Watch It platform launches its latest original work, the animated series “Discovery”, the day after tomorrow, Thursday, August 17th. The work is written by Sayed Bashir and directed by Abdel Rahman Hamad.
The Watch It platform promoted the series on its official account on Instagram, by displaying the official poster for the work with the comment: “The adventure is about to begin… the 3D animation series Discovery from the original WATCH IT works will be shown exclusively on August 17.” The platform also released the promotional song for the series, which is sung by the star. Hisham Abbas.
The series consists of 30 episodes and is shown in 3D technology. It is directed to children and adults who love animation. Its events revolve around Fadi, the genius engineer, who invents a game to participate in an international competition for international games. However, his old rival, Sally, decides to pirate his game, which leads to it being swallowed. The game is for his nephews Dima and Salim… and Fadi tries in every way to save the children.
An elite group of brilliant stars in the world of dubbing and animation participated in the production of the work, starring Youssef Hashish, Areej Fouda, Tamer Al-Kashef, Hisham Al-Shazly, Maryam Al-Nems, Hoor Tamer, and Sayed Bashir. The series includes a distinguished group of characters that present a group of different stories, which It aims to activate the mind through searching and exploring information in various sources